roses are a special group of roses for technical reasons as well
as aesthetic. Yellow and orange roses
can be quite powerful as paintings. A rose such as the Rio Samba
can be passionate in its appearance as a painting. They are also
more difficult to paint than most roses.
The shadow area of a yellow rose is in shades of reds or brown.
There are no grays and no blacks in a yellow rose painting.
I put away the black pigments when I paint these roses.
But the effect is to see a painting of color. Every shade and every
part of a yellow rose painting is a color related to yellow,
red, or orange. |
Midas Touch - Hybrid Tea rose, 1992
This is a great pure yellow rose. It has a fine scent and does
well in our garden.
The yellow rose is a joy to paint and but difficult technically, as I have
mentioned. Some shadow areas are made with a combination of
violet and yellow pigments. The violet pigment cancels
some of the brightness of the yellow pigment and makes what
seems like a dark, muted yellow color.
Yellow roses have a glow and seems to be lit from within. There
is complex lighting from transmitted and reflected light.
This painting is the most difficult and most technical painting I have
ever experienced - but worth it! |
Rio Samba - Hybrid Tea rose, 1991
Rio Samba is a great rose. We usually have several bushes around
the yard.
This rose has a very tight bud in its early form but opens with
flowing petals as it matures. The scent is as nice as Double
Delight and the color changes during the life time of the flower
from orange to pale yellow. |
Rio Samba
This is a young, early season, Samba. The color is
intense and the petals are smoother and less fluted.
Yellow and orange roses have such beautiful light within
them, both
transmitted and reflected. The challenge with these roses is to
be able to paint the difference between transmitted light and
reflected light.
In this painting the various light types are easy to see in the
petal arched above the center bud. Most of the petal is directly
lit from the bottom of the rose. But If you look just to the
right of this petal you can see an indirect glow, some
transmitted light, and reflected light all in a small area of the
rose - this is the fun of these roses - in the painting of
the rose and in the viewing of the painting. |
Last bloom of the season - Midas Touch
This is a spectacular view of this rose. We discover
this rose very late in the season. It was near the end of
September when this Midas bloomed to our surprise. I was able to
photograph the development during that time and the color was
very quiet. As it opened the outer petals were almost pure
white with the gentle hint of yellow you see in the centert of the
I was able to emphasize the glow of the rose heart as much as
the coloring itself and this painting was the result. Midas had
almost become a white rose in the Fall. But in the spring the
color is an intense yellow as you see in the top painting on
this page which is the same rose painted in the spring.